USING HFDL COMMANDSSingle dots repeated, if you do not use a DOT LEADERcommand to specify the DOT LEADER text string.Examples The following is an example of a DOT LEADER used betweentwo text strings:TEXT AT 1,1 ’John Doe’ DOT LEADER ’987–6543’;This produces the following text on the form:John Doe......................................................987–6543The following is an example of a DOT LEADER following a textstring and ending at the column boundary:TEXT AT 1,1 ’Sales Tax’ DOT LEADER NEW LINE ‘Total NowDue’ DOT LEADER;This produces the following text on the form:Sales Tax ......................................................................Total Now Due..............................................................The following is an example of the long form of the TEXT ATcommand:HORIZONTAL TEXT SPACED 12 POINTS PER LINE ALIGNEDCENTER IN COLUMN USING FONT 1 AND USING INK 1 AT 1,1 ’Phone List’ NEW LINE ’John Doe’ DOT LEADER ’987–6543’;The following is an example of the short form:TEXT SPACED 12 POINTS PER LINE ALI CEN INK 1 AT 1,1’Phone List’ NEW LINE ’John Doe’ DOT LEA ’987–6543’;This produces the following text on the form:Phone ListJohn Doe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .987–6543TEXT IN BOX commandUse the TEXT IN BOX command to incorporate text into a boxon your form. The command syntax format designates theproper type and placement of text in a box according to theplanned form. This command format is similar to the TEXT ATcommand, except it includes those parameters necessary todesignate the placement of text in a box.You must define a box with matching coordinate values beforeyou can reference it in a TEXT IN BOX command. You cancreate boxes and adjoining boxes with BOX commands, LINEcommands, or both.HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 3–21