USING HFDL COMMANDSWhen you compile a form in LPS format, fonts convert touppercase. When you compile a form in XES format, fonts donot convert. The system accepts them in uppercase andlowercase. Refer to the “Managing and printing sample forms”chapter.Defaults None.Examples Long form:FONT Font1;There is no short form.ICATALOG commandUse the ICATALOG command to specify the ink catalog to beused on highlight and full color printers.The ink catalog is a file that contains color information. It resideson highlight color printers and in the XPRM database. You canlist all the ink catalogs stored in your XPRM database by using theLIST COLORMAP command. Refer to the “Resourcemanagement” chapter in theXPRM/HFDL 3.2 for IBM MVSManaging Resources manual.Full color printers require the ink catalog name. If you do notspecify a catalog for a highlight color printer, the printer uses itsdefault catalog.Figure 3–6 shows the command syntax flow.Figure 3–6. ICATALOG command syntaxICATALOGIS;nameParametername represents the ink catalog to use for color information.Your ink catalog name must not exceed six alphanumericcharacters. You cannot use spaces.Default Printer default catalog and palette, if you do not specify theICATALOG (highlight color only).Examples Long form:ICATALOG IS CAT1;Short form:ICATALOG CAT1;PALETTE commandUse the PALETTE command to specify the ink palette to use forcolor information on highlight and full color printers. The inkpalette is a subset of inks in the ink catalog.Full color printers require the palette name. If you do notspecify a palette for a highlight color printer, the printer uses itsdefault palette.You can list all the pallete names stored in your XPRM databaseby using the LIST COLORMAP command. Refer to the “ResourceHOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS 3–9