HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEIf you have described a form that causes a page setup error,examine both the form and the variable data to see if there aremany lines or a large amount of text in a small area. If youencounter this type of error, reduce the density of the area byspreading the material out on the form or by deleting parts ofthe form.Boxes and their imageYou can draw boxes with just a single box statement or withline–by–line statements. The box statement may not workcorrectly if it specifies two boxes adjoined by a single side. Thiscauses the adjoining side lines of the boxes to becomesuperimposed. Since the two lines use the same pair ofcoordinates, a line density problem may occur.Text in boxesIf you are using a TEXT IN BOX command, HFDL determines ifthe given text can fit in the box. If your text font size exceedsthe maximum allowable size, HFDL generates an error message(XFP1018W). If you see this error you have the followingchoices:• Make the box larger.• Reduce the number of lines.• Use a smaller font.• Use a TEXT AT command rather than a TEXT IN BOXcommand if the text fits visually.Refer to the “Messages” chapter for more information.Using lines within sectionsWhen you create a form by invoking defined sections, make sureyou do not begin and end lines at section boundaries. It is moreefficient to allow the line to continue through a series ofsections.A–2 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS