HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEExample Text justified in a column:COLUMN 1 INCH WIDE;TEXT JUSTIFIED IN COLUMN AT 1,1‘four four four five five five six six six’This produces the following text on the form:four four fourfive five fivesix six sixFONTn specifies the index number of the font you selected.Refer to the FONT command for additional information.INKn specifies the index number of the ink color you selectedfrom the ink list to use with a Xerox highlight or full color LPSprinter. The specified INK is in effect for this command and notfor subsequent TEXT commands.Cy defines the coordinate you selected on they–axis where thetext origin is located.Cx defines the coordinate you selected on thex–axis where thetext origin is located.‘text’ specifies a text string that appears exactly as you enter it(except for special characters).DOT LEADER specifies dot leaders you have selected to placebetween text or at a column boundary. Dot leaders extend thefull width of the column you specify in the COLUMN command,unless interrupted by a’text’ string. You can place dot leadersbetween two text strings and a right boundary previously definedby you in the COLUMN command. If you place dot leadersbetween two text strings, the right most text string aligns withthe right column boundary.Do not use DOT LEADER in the JUSTIFIED mode. DOT LEADERoverrides any alignment mode and places the text flush with thecolumn boundaries.USING FONTn specifies a change of font for the next body oftext which is not the dot leader string. When you specify dotleaders and a change of fonts together, the DOT LEADERkeywords must precede the FONTn keywords.NEW LINE specifies a new line to follow a text string. You canonly use the NEW LINE keyword once between text strings.NEW LINE is similar to a blank text string (’ ’). If you want to usemultiple blank lines between text strings, use multiple blank textstrings (’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’), not NEW LINE. NEW LINE is ignored if it is notused with DOT LEADER or FONTn.Defaults HORIZONTAL and CENTER, if you do not specify the orientationand alignment for the TEXT AT command.Use the font index of the last TEXT command, if USING FONT isnot entered. If you omit FONT in all TEXT commands, FONT1from the FONT list is used.DOTS, if you do not specifyunits.If a TEXT command containing a dot leader is not preceded by aCOLUMN command, the system uses a default column width of6.5 inches (portrait) or 9.5 inches (landscape).3–20 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS