HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGEFigure 3–3 shows the command syntax flow.Figure 3–3. LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command syntax,;LANDSCAPESIZE ISnWIDE HIGHPAGEPORTRAITunitsunitsnBYParameters LANDSCAPE specifies the landscape form orientation. If youonly specify LANDSCAPE, grid units and form origin correspondto the standard grid format (FMT1).PORTRAIT specifies the portrait form orientation. If you onlyspecify PORTRAIT, grid units and form origin correspond to thestandard grid format for the portrait page (FMT6), unless youchange them with the GRID command.Refer to the “FMT grid format properties” appendix for moreinformation.PAGE, SIZE, and IS specifies the width and height of the virtualpage.The value you use to specify the special page size is n. You mustuse positive numbers and you cannot exceed the size specifiedin the PAPER SIZE command. You can use two decimal placeswhen you specify inches. You must express DOTS and XDOTSas integers.units indicates the unit of measure you want to use whenspecifying the size of the virtual page. Theunits you can chooseare INCHES, CENTIMETERS, DOTS, and XDOTS. You can usetwo decimal places when you specify inches and centimeters.You must express DOTS and XDOTS as integers.Defaults If you do not use the LANDSCAPE/PORTRAIT command, HFDLuses these defaults:• LANDSCAPE (orientation)• FMT1 (grid units and form origin)• 8.5 by 11 inches (virtual page)• INCHES (if you do not specifyunits).Examples Long form:PORTRAIT PAGE SIZE IS 8.5 INCHES WIDE BY 11 INCHES HIGH;Short form:PORTRAIT;It allows HFDL to default to the FMT6 predefined format.3–6 HOST FORMS DESCRIPTION LANGUAGE 3.2 FOR IBM MVS CREATING FORMS