DocuMate 515 Scanner User’s Guide 81MaintenanceError Light Troubleshooting CodesThe status light indicates the current state of the scanner. Descriptions ofthe most common patterns are listed below. Contact Xerox TechnicalSupport if you experience a different blinking pattern.Normal Operation• Blinking blue: indicates the scanner is waking up from powersaving and preparing to scan.• Steady blue: indicates the scanner is ready to scan.Error CodesIf your scanner experiences hardware problems, the status light turns toan amber color and will blink. The number of blinks before a 3-secondpause indicates the type of error code.In all cases you should turn off the scanner and check the scanner setup.Verify the ADF cable is plugged in, that the scanner lock is in theunlocked position, and that the computer and scanner are plugged into aworking electrical outlet.ErrorCode Problem Description Solution4 The scanner is notcommunicating with thecomputer.If the USB cable is plugged into a USB hub, try plugging the USBcable directly to the back of the computer. If the USB cable isalready plugged to the computer, try another USB port on thecomputer. If the problem persists, replace the USB cable. Themaximum length of the USB cable is 6 feet.5 The lamp in the scannerbody has malfunctioned.This usually occurs after a paper jam. Turn the scanner off, thenback on again. If the problem persists, turn off the scanner, re-start the computer, then turn the scanner on.6 The status light is faulty. Contact Xerox Technical Support.8 Paper jam. See “Clearing Paper Jams” on page 77.9 Scanner is locked. Make sure the scanner lock is in the unlocked position before thescanner’s power is turned on. See the illustration on page 5 forthe location of the lock.16 The ADF cable is notplugged into the base ofthe scanner.Turn off the scanner and plug in the ADF cable. If the cable isalready plugged in, it may have come loose. Plug it in securely inthe ADF port, then turn the scanner back on. See the illustrationon page 6 for the location of the ADF port.AllOtherCodesAn internal part in thescanner may havemalfunctioned.Turn off the power to your scanner, then turn it back on. If theproblem persists, re-boot your computer. If the problem stillpersists, contact Xerox Technical Support.