Welcome2 DocuMate 515 Scanner User’s GuideThe Xerox DocuMate 515 ScannerDocument Pad—Holds documents in place on the scanner glass.Flatbed Glass—Place document face down to scan.Reference Frame—Reference marks indicating where to align variouspaper sizes.Paper Stop—Holds items in place as they are ejected from the AutomaticDocument Feeder.Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)—Feeds documents through thescanner.Paper Guide Extension—Unfolds to support multiple document lengths.Paper Guides—Adjusts to fit the paper width.Scanner Lock—Locks or unlocks the scanning head.Scanner Buttons—Press to start scanning.Status Light—Shows the scanner’s status. Refer to “Error LightTroubleshooting Codes” on page 81 for additional details.Universal Serial Bus (USB) Port—Connects the scanner to thecomputer.ADF Port—Connects the ADF cable from the Automatic DocumentFeeder to the scanner body.ADF Cable—Supplies power from the scanner body to the AutomaticDocument Feeder.Power Jack—Connects the power cord to the scanner.Power Switch—Turns the power on and off.Flatbed GlassDocument PadReference FrameADF CablePower JackUSB PortADF PortPower SwitchPaper StopPaper Guide ExtensionPaper GuideAutomatic Document FeederScanner ButtonsScanner LockStatus Light