Xerox DocuMate®515Fast scanning directlyto PDF format• Scan documents at 15 pagesper minute as PDF files*• Holds up to 50 pages inAutomatic DocumentFeeder (ADF)**• Scan and share documentsdirectly to network drives• Includes TWAIN andCertified ISIS Driver• Hi-speed USB 2.0(USB 1.1 Compatible)* 200 dpi, black & white ** 70 g/m2 paperXerox DocuMate 515The Xerox DocuMate 515 scanner is a compactand effective high-speed scanner which is perfectfor workgroups and other decentralised scanningneeds, enabling businesses to achieve high-levelsof productivity by distributing fast, cost-effectivescanners throughout the organisation.The DocuMate 515 has a 50 page AutomaticDocument Feeder (ADF) that scans at 15pages per minute. It features 600 dpi opticalresolution, 24-bit colour, hi-speed USB 2.0interface and scans everything from photosup to A4 documents.The DocuMate 515 includes TWAIN and ISISdrivers plus an impressive software package.Scanning at the Touch of a ButtonDo you want to do more with the paper onyour desk? Would you like to copy it, collate it,file it, search it, mail it and make it disappear?Sounds time consuming doesn’t it? How aboutif you could do it all with just one touch?The DocuMate 515 powered by VisioneerOneTouch® technology scans documents usingthree preset buttons for your most commondestinations, yet they are completely configurable.This enables your document to be scannedwith the proper settings for resolution, colour,auto-crop, auto-straighten, file format andthen delivered to virtually any application,folder or device – at the touch of a button!Perfect Scans forImperfect OriginalsVisioneer OneTouch with Kofax® VRS™ (VirtualReScan®) technology is integrated into the scannerdriver so that you get perfect scans fromimperfect originals. VRS also eliminates theneed to rescan documents through automaticcropping, straightening, brightness control andedge clean-up. All this is integrated into VisioneerOneTouch so your entire scanning requirementsare achieved at the touch of a button.Most new users in document imaging are notscanner experts, so simplified, point-and-clicksolutions that deliver high quality imagesand integration with business applicationsare essential.