Scanning26 DocuMate 515 Scanner User’s GuideSelecting New Settings for a ButtonThe One Touch Properties window is where you select new settings forthe buttons. The tabs across the top of the window correspond to thebuttons on the scanner.For each of the three One Touch buttons, you can select a newDestination Application, Scan Configuration, and File Format.The settings on the Properties window are:Button Tabs—Click a tab to see the settings for that button.Select Destination—The list of Destination Applications that One Touchcan send a scanned image to so that this application opens immediatelyafter scanning is complete.The Destination Application.This is the application thatopens when you are finishedscanning.The settings thatthe scanner useswhen scanningwith the currentlyselected button(in this case theScan button).The file format ofthe images ofthe scanneditem.Click to selectoptions.The button name.NOTE: If you select a word processing program such as MicrosoftWordPad or Microsoft Word and a format that can be used for OCR(such as TEXT, RTF, or DOC), the text in scanned images isautomatically converted to word processing text.Select the application youwant One Touch to sendthe scanned image to.