• Scan documents at 15 pagesper minute as PDF files*• Holds up to 50 pages inAutomatic DocumentFeeder (ADF)**• Scan and share documentsdirectly to network drives• Includes TWAIN andCertified ISIS Driver• Hi-speed USB 2.0(USB 1.1 Compatible)Xerox DocuMate 515The Xerox DocuMate 515 scanner is acompact and effective high speed scannerwhich is perfect for workgroups and otherdecentralised scanning applications, en-abling businesses to achieve high levels ofproductivity by distributing fast, cost-effec-tive scanners through out the organization.The DocuMate 515 has a 50 page AutomaticDocument Feeder that scans 15 pages perminute. It features 600 dpi optical resolution,24-bit color, hi-speed USB 2.0 interface andscans everything from photos up to legalsize documents. It also features one of thesmallest footprints available of any businessflatbed scanner on the market and includesTWAIN and Certified ISIS drivers.* 200dpi, black & white ** 16 lb. paperXerox DocuMate 515Flatbed and ADF flexibilitywith One Touch scanning®Scanning at the Touch of a ButtonDo you want to do more with the paperon your desk? Would you like to copy it,collate it, file it, search it, mail it and makeit disappear? Sounds time consumingdoesn’t it? How about if you could do itall with just one touch?The DocuMate 515 is powered by VisioneerOneTouch technology to scan documentsusing 3 present buttons for your most com-mon destinations, yet they are completelyconfigurable. This enables your documentto be scanned with the proper settings forresolution, color, auto-crop, auto-straighten,file format and then delivered to virtuallyany application, folder or device – at thetouch of a button!Perfect Scans for Imperfect OriginalsVisioneer OneTouch with Kofax VRS(Virtual ReScan ) technology is integratedinto the scanner driver so that you get per-fect scans from imperfect originals. VRS alsoeliminates the need to rescan documentsthrough automatic cropping, straightening,brightness control and edge clean-up.Most new users in document imaging are notscanner experts, so simplified, point-and-clicksolutions that deliver high quality imagesand integration with business applicationsare essential.®®®™