Number Identifier: $MC_ Description20110 RESET_MODE_MASK Initial setting after reset / program end20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES Reset position of the G groups20151 GCODE_RESET_MODE Reset behavior of the G groups20360 TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK Definition of the tool parameters20620 HANDWH_GEOAX_MAX_INCR_SIZE Limitation of the geometry axes20622 HANDWH_GEOAX_MAX_INCR_VSIZE Path-velocity override20624 HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_COND Definition of the manual traversing behavior using ahandwheel, channel-specific20700 REFP_NC_START_LOCK NC start disable without reference point21150 JOG_VELO_RAPID_ORI Conventional rapid traverse for orientation axes21155 JOG_VELO_ORI Conventional velocity for orientation axes21158 JOG_JERK_ORI Maximum jerk when manually traversing orientation ax‐es21159 JOG_JERK_ORI_ENABLE Jerk limitation for manual traversing of orientation axesactivated21160 JOG_VELO_RAPID_GEO Conventional rapid traverse for geometry axes21165 JOG_VELO_GEO Conventional speed for geometry axes21166 JOG_ACCEL_GEO Maximum acceleration when manually traversing ge‐ometry axes21168 JOG_JERK_GEO Maximum jerk when manually traversing geometry ax‐es17.16.1.3 Axis/spindlespecific machine dataNumber Identifier: $MA_ Description30450 IS_CONCURRENT_POS_AX Default setting at reset: Neutral axis or channel axis30600 FIX_POINT_POS[n] Fixed point positions of the axis30610 NUM_FIX_POINT_POS Number of fixed point positions of an axis31090 JOG_INCR_WEIGHT Weighting of an increment for INC/handwheel32000 MAX_AX_VELO Maximum axis velocity32010 JOG_VELO_RAPID Rapid traverse in jog mode32020 JOG_VELO Axis velocity in job mode32040 JOG_REV_VELO_RAPID Revolutional feedrate in JOG mode with rapid traverse override32050 JOG_REV_VELO Revolutional feedrate for JOG32060 POS_AX_VELO Reset position for positioning-axis velocity32080 HANDWH_MAX_INCR_SIZE Limitation of the selected increment size32082 HANDWH_MAX_INCR_VELO_SIZE Limitation of the selected increment for velocity override32084 HANDWH_STOP_COND Behavior, handwheel travel32090 HANDWH_VELO_OVERLAY_FACTOR Ratio of JOG velocity to handwheel velocity (with DRF)32300 MAX_AX_ACCEL Maximum axis acceleration32420 JOG_AND_POS_JERK_ENABLE Basic setting of axis-specific jerk limitation32430 JOG_AND_POS_MAX_JERK Maximum axis-specific jerk for single-axis movementsH1: Manual traversing17.16 Data listsAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 729