Program code Comment...N100 WAIT(1,1) ;wait for synchronous marker 1 in channel 1N110 GETD(Y) ;Axis replacement direct YN120 Y100 ;Y is the channel-specific diameter programming;subordinated in channel 2; i.e. dimension in the radius4.6 Data lists4.6.1 Machine data4.6.1.1 Channelspecific machine dataNumber Identifier: $MC_ Description20050 AXCONF_GEOAX_ASSIGN_TAB[n] Assignment of geometry axis to channel axis20060 AXCONF_GEOAX_NAME_TAB[n] Channel axis name in the channel20100 DIAMETER_AX_DEF Geometry axis with transverse axis function20110 RESET_MODE_MASK Definition of the control basic setting after power-up and RE‐SET / part program end20112 START_MODE_MASK Definition of the control basic setting for NC start20150 GCODE_RESET_VALUES[n] Basic setting of the G groups20152 GCODE_RESET_MODE[n] G command basic setting at RESET / part program end20360 TOOL_PARAMETER_DEF_MASK Definition of tool parameters20624 HANDWH_CHAN_STOP_COND Definition of the behavior of the manual handwheel traversing27100 ABSBLOCK_FUNCTION_MASK Parameterize block display with absolute values4.6.1.2 Axis/spindlespecific machine dataNumber Identifier: $MA_ Description30460 BASE_FUNCTION_MASK Axis functionsP1: Transverse axes4.6 Data listsAxes and spindles124 Function Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA