10.7.2 Actual value adjustment for measuring systems with distance-coded referencemarksFunctionIn order to improve positioning precision by determining the measuring-system-specificencoder fine information, we recommend explicitly re-referencing the measuring systempreviously referenced by actual value adjustment after switching over the measuring system.If an encoder with distance-coded reference marks is used for the passive measuring system,referencing can be avoided under the following conditions:1. Active measuring system: Indirect measuring system (motor measuring system) withabsolute encoder, for example2. Passive measuring system: Direct measuring system with distance-coded reference marks3. Traversing motion of the machine axis with the referenced indirect measuring system beforemeasuring system switchover in which the number of reference marks required forreferencing are crossed. Whereby, the passive direct measuring system is referencedautomatically.ParameterizationIn addition to the specific machine data required to reference the individual measuring systems,the following machine data must be set:● Enable the actual value adjustment:MD34102 $MA_REFP_SYNC_ENCS = 1● Direct measuring system with distance-coded reference marks:– MD34200 $MA_ENC_REFP_MODE[measuring system] = 3Distance-coded reference marks– MD30242 $MA_ENC_IS_INDEPENDENT[measuring system] = 2In the actual value adjustment, the passive direct measuring system is aligned to theactual position of the active indirect measuring system, but not marked as referenced.After the parameterized number of reference marks is crossed, the passive directmeasuring system is referenced automatically. Referencing is performed in everyoperating mode.R1: Referencing10.7 Referencing by means of actual value adjustmentAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 317