Coupling reference: Type: STRINGRange of values:"CMDPOS" Commanded Position Setpoint value coupling"CMDVEL" Commanded Velocity Speed coupling"ACTPOS" Actual Value Actual value couplingDefault value: "CMDPOS"Example:Programming CommentCPLSETVAL[X2,X1]="CMDPOS" ; The coupling of following axis X2 to leading ax-is X1 is deducted from the setpoint.ConstraintsFor a coupling module speed coupling cannot be activated simultaneously with setpoint oractual value coupling of another leading axis. Co-ordinate reference (CPFRS):The co-ordinate reference of the following axis/spindle specifies in which co-ordinate referencesystem the coupling component resulting from the coupling is applied. in the base co-ordinatesystem or in the machine co-ordinate system.It is further specified which co-ordinate reference the leading values of the leading axis spindlemust have. When a transformation is active and when the machine co-ordinate system isspecified as co-ordinate reference (CPFRS="MCS"), the initial transformation values are takenas leading values.ProgrammingSyntax: CPFRS[FAx]= ()Identifiers: Coupling Following Relation SystemFunctionality: Defines the co-ordinate reference system for the coupling module of thefollowing axis/spindle FAx.Co-ordinate refer‐ence:Type: STRINGRange of values:”BCS” Basis Co-ordinate System Basic Coordinate SystemM3: Coupled axes14.5 Generic couplingAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 511