ParameterizationActivationThe jerk filter is activated using machine data:MD32400 $MA_AX_JERK_ENABLE (axial jerk limitation)The jerk filter is active in all operating modes and with all types of interpolation.Filter typeThe filter type is selected via the machine data:MD32402 $MA_AX_JERK_MODE (filter type for axial jerk limitation)Value Filter type1 2nd order filter2 Moving average calculation3 Band-stop4 Double moving average calculation5 FIR lowpassAxial jerk filter (1, 2, 3)The axial jerk filters are set using the following machine data:● For filter types 1 and 2 with MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME.● For filter type 3 using machine data MD32412 AX_JERK_FREQ and MD 32414AX_JERK_DAMP.The jerk filter is only effective when the time constant is greater than a position control clockcycle.Double moving average calculation (4)A double moving average calculation requires that the following machine data are set:● MD32410 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME● MD32411 $MA_AX_JERK_TIME_ADDIf both machine data are parameterized the same, a delta filter is implemented, which producesextremely strong damping, but also significant contour distortion.B2: Acceleration and jerk12.2 FunctionsAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 377