● If the synchronized position of the following axis is not set during switch on, then the currentposition of the following axis takes effect as synchronized position.The program instruction IC can be used to move the current position.● The position specification is specified in the configured basic system independently of theprogrammable dimensions(G70/G71).Part program section (Example)Programming CommentCPON=(X2) CPFPOS[X2]=100 ; Activation of coupling to following axis X2. 100is taken as synchronized position of the followingaxis....G00 X2=123 ; Following axis X2 is traversed to position 123.CPON=(X2) ; The current position (=123) is taken as synchron-ized position of the following axis. The previous-ly active synchronized position 100 becomes effec-tive. Synchronized position of the leading axis when switching on (CPLPOS)The current leading axis position, taken as leading value, can be offset. The synchronizedposition of the leading axis therefore defines the zero point of the input variable.ProgrammingSyntax: CPLPOS[FAx,LAx]= Identifiers: Coupling Lead PositionFunctionality: Defines the synchronized position of the following axis at switch on. On‐ly AC is possible in the position specification.Value: Type: REALRange of values: All position within the traverse range boundariesExample:Programming CommentCPLPOS[X2,X1]=200 ; 200 is taken as synchronized position of the leading ax-is X1 of the coupling to following axis X2.M3: Coupled axes14.5 Generic couplingAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 515