Example 2: Couplings with a maximum of one active leading axis/spindleWith the following calls, the CP-SW limit monitoring is executed – including the transfer of thebrake to the leading axis – if MD30455 MA_MISC_FUNCTION_MASK[AX2] bit 11 is set:TRAILON(Y,X,0.5) ; Definition and switching in the coupling of the coupled motionaxis Y two leading axis X.EGDEF(Y,X,1) ; Definition of an EG axis group with setpoint couplingfrom X to Y (following axis).EGON( Y,"FINE",X,1,2) ; Activating coupling.14.5.12 Disturbance characteristic14.5.12.1 Rapid stopFunctionThe rapid stop stops the axis / spindle without ramp, i.e. the velocity setpoint value is specifiedas zero. This default applies the brakes at the current limit. The servo enable is retained.The rapid stop is set at:● Stop A and Stop C (Safety Integrated)● Alarms with rapid stop as configured braking behavior● Reaching the hardware limit switch and rapid stop as configured braking behavior:MD36600 $MA_BRAKE_MODE_CHOICE = 1Switchover to actual-value coupling.The actual values of the leading spindle are used to calculate the setpoint values as soon as therapid stop of the leading spindle is reported to a generic coupling.The changeover to actual value coupling takes place smoothly and remains active till the servoenable as well as the pulse enable is available again to the leading spindle and no more positionoffset takes place. The setpoint value calculation is programmed as with CPLSETVAL only ifthese conditions are fulfilled.NoteA rapid stop that was initiated on reaching the hardware limit switch does not changeover theactual value coupling.M3: Coupled axes14.5 Generic couplingAxes and spindlesFunction Manual, 06/2019, A5E47437747B AA 557