Boards for HiPath 3000 Nur für den internen GebrauchA31003-H3590-S100-7-7620, 06/20123-212 HiPath 3000/5000 V9, Service documentationboards.fmPeripheral boardsCable and connector assignment (backplane, MDFU/MDFU-E, patch panel)Table 3-99 SLMO8 (not for U.S.), SLMO24 - Cable 1 Assignment (SU Xx8)ColorGroup Pair a-wire(tip) 11 see “Abbreviations for colors“ at the start of Section 3.3.b-wire(ring)1SU con-nector SLMO8,SLMO24MDFU/MDFU-EPatch Panel,MW8 pin NotesBP: Xx811 wht/blu 19 1a Access 1 1a 4blu/wht 39 1b 1b 52 wht/ora 38 2a Access 2 2a 4ora/wht 48 2b 2b 53 wht/grn 27 3a Access 3 3a 4grn/wht 47 3b 3b 54 wht/brn 16 4a Access 4 4a 4brn/wht 46 4b 4b 55 wht/gry 05 5a Access 5 5a 4gry/wht 45 5b 5b 526 red/blu 14 6a Access 6 6a 4blu/red 44 6b 6b 57 red/ora 23 7a Access 7 7a 4ora/red 43 7b 7b 58 red/grn 32 8a Access 8 8a 4grn/red 42 8b 8b 59 red/brn 11 9a Access 9 9a 4Not usedforSLMO8brn/red 31 9b 9b 510 red/gry 02 10a Access 10 10a 4gry/red 22 10b 10b 5311 blk/blu 13 11a Access 11 11a 4blu/blk 33 11b 11b 512 blk/ora 04 12a Access 12 12a 4ora/blk 24 12b 12b 513 blk/grn 15 13a Access 13 13a 4grn/blk 35 13b 13b 514 blk/brn 06 14a Access 14 14a 4brn/blk 26 14b 14b 515 blk/gry 17 15a Access 15 15a 4gry/blk 37 15b 15b 54 16 yel/blu 08 16a Access 16 16a 4blu/yel 28 16b 16b 5