service.fmA31003-H3590-S100-7-7620, 06/2012HiPath 3000/5000 V9, Service documentation 12-83Nur für den internen Gebrauch ServiceGuided Maintenance26-007 !Reload afterload-LW-Code er-rorThe specifiedboard has been re-loaded due to astartup error.If this error persists, re-place the board.The board is re-loaded due to aload error(length, check-sum error) or amissing or de-layed acknowl-edgement dur-ing startup.Error Class 28 – Recovery Messages28-000 !not possible tosend a messageError while trans-mitting messagevia COSMOS (in-sufficient resourc-es).Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.28-004 !SLC-Trace fin-ishedSLC LW tracetransferred to tracememory.Trace memory can now beread out.28-006 --- tttttttt ->hh:mm:ss ---DD.MM.YY ---Time stamp set inevent log B memo-ry.None A time stamp(current timeand date) is en-tered when theevent log Bmemory is cop-ied. This facili-tates analysis.28-008 --- xxx ----Current APS ver-sion entered inevent log B memo-ry.None The current APSversion is en-tered when theevent log Bmemory is cop-ied. This facili-tates analysis.Table 12-7 HiPath 3000 Class B Error MessagesNo. HiPath 3000/5000 Manager E:Event Log EntryMeaning Required Measures Note