Service Nur für den internen GebrauchA31003-H3590-S100-7-7620, 06/201212-92 HiPath 3000/5000 V9, Service documentationservice.fmGuided Maintenance1030 Datasaved todiskSaving the Ve-nus database tothe server harddriveInformation vsrv HiPathAllServe1031 Ping notpossibleHiPath 3000/5000 HIP nolonger availableSave eventfile for er-ror analy-sisCheck HiPath 3000/5000. Check HG1500. Check LAN.Initiate HiPath3000/5000 ping, ifnecessaryadm/fct/vsrv/syncHiPathAllServe1032 X CDBtransferto (Adr>)failed(write)Writing data toHiPath 3000/5000 with speci-fied IP addressfailedSave eventfile for er-ror analy-sisCheck HiPath 3000/5000. Check HG1500. Check LAN.Initiate HiPath3000/5000 ping, ifnecessary.Load HiPath 3000/5000 Manager Edata to the serveragain. This initiatesdata transfer fromthe server to HiPath3000/5000.vsrv HiPathAllServe1033 Datasync tileModification todatabase in Hi-Path 3000/5000reported to theserver; HiPath3000/5000 dataloaded andsaved on theserveradm HiPathAllServe1034 Discon-nection ofobject re-covered(%1)syncTable 12-8 Event Viewer Entries for the HiPath 5000 ServerEvent De-faulttrapErrortextMeaning User reaction Cate-gorySource