service.fmA31003-H3590-S100-7-7620, 06/2012HiPath 3000/5000 V9, Service documentation 12-73Nur für den internen Gebrauch ServiceGuided MaintenanceError Class 16 – Operating System Messages16-001 GET-POOL xx, xxfrom=xx ad-dr=xxxxxxxxError in systempool administra-tion.Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS (BackLevel Support).Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-002 RELPL xxxxxxxxxlen=xxxx, from=xxError in systempool administra-tion.Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-004 !Error in Cosmos-SendCOSMOS send er-ror (software mes-sage transmis-sion).Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-005 !Error in Cosmos-TimerCOSMOS timer er-ror (software timeradministration).Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-006 !Error in Cosmos-ReceiveCOSMOS receiveerror (softwaremessage receipt).Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-007 COSMOS ID=xxopcode=0xnnnnercode=0xnnnnCOSMOS errorduring restartSet up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.16-009 RESTARTED:watchdogOverload or contin-uous loops duringsoftware opera-tion.System watchdogrestarted the sys-tem.Set up a trace using infor-mation from BLS.Create a stack dump.Save a snapshot.The system wasun able to reachidle status withinapproximatelyten minutes.16-010 RESTARTED:manual ResetHard restart (reset)was manually trig-gered.NoneTable 12-7 HiPath 3000 Class B Error MessagesNo. HiPath 3000/5000 Manager E:Event Log EntryMeaning Required Measures Note