CHAPTER 2. MMC Programming2-28 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.[114] PHONE VOLUMEAllows the station user or system administrator to set the ring volume, off-hook ringvolume, handset receive volume, speaker volume, background music volume and pagevolume for any or all phones.No Type Description0 RING VOLUME This is the volume setting for the phone ringer. There are eight volumelevels: level 1 is the lowest and level 8 the highest.In case of WIP phone, this option is not available.1 OFF-RING VOL This is the volume of the alert tone that tells you there is a call campedon to your phone. There are eight volume levels: level 1 is the lowestand level 8 the highest.In case of WIP phone, this option is not available.2 HANDSET VOL This is the volume setting for conversations on the handset receiver.There are eight volume levels: level 1 is the lowest and level 8 thehighest.In case of WIP phone, There are 14 volume levels: level 1 is thelowest and level 14 the highest.3 SPEAKER VOL This is the receive volume setting for conversations on the speakerphone of a phone. There are 16 volume levels: level 1 is the lowestand level 16 the highest.In case of WIP phone, There are 5 volume levels: level 1 is the lowestand level 5 the highest.4 BGM VOLUME This is the volume you will hear background music over the phonespeaker at when your phone is idle and BGM is turned on. There are16 volume levels: level 1 is the lowest and level 16 the highest.In case of WIP phone, this option is not available.5 PAGE VOLUME This is the volume you will hear internal page over the phone speakerwhen your phone is idle and BGM is turned on. There are 16 volumelevels: level 1 is the lowest and level 16 the highest.In case of WIP phone, this option is not available.6 HEADSET VOL This is the receive volume setting for conversations on the headset.There are 16 volume levels: level 1 is the lowest and level 14 thehighest. If station is not WIP, this option is not available.DEFAULT DATARING VOLUME: 4OFF-HOOK RING VOLUME: 4HANDSET VOLUME: 4 (In case of WIP, 6)SPEAKER VOLUME: 13 (In case of WIP, 4)BGM VOLUME: 13PAGE VOLUME: 13HEADSET VOL: 6