OfficeServ 7000 Series Call Server Programming Manual© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 2-195(Continued)No Option Description2 OVERFLOW This is the timer value that will cause unanswered calls to a group tobegin also ringing the NEXT PORT (see below) after this timer haselapsed. If set to 000, no overflow will take place.3 GROUPTRANSFERThis is a timer that will determine how long Trunk Line calls transferredto the group will ring at the group before recalling. If set to 000, no recallwill take place.4 NEXT PORT This is the station or group number that callers will also ring at if theOVERFLOW feature has been programmed. The OVERFLOWDESTINATION can be defined as:1 COMMON BELL There is a common bell port on each MIS card.2 RING OVER PAGE The ROP port can be defined as the NEXT port.3 STATION OR STATION GROUP. Any station or station group can bedefined as the NEXT port.5 MEMBER List all members that are to be in the group. Up to 48 members for thesystem are allowed in each group, but stations can be assigned tomultiple station groups.6 NEXT HUNT The length of time a call will ring at a station before it hunts to the nextgroup member.7 GROUP BUSY When this option is set to ON, a busy signal will be sent to the caller ifall group members are busy. When this option is set to OFF, the ringback tone is sent to the caller even if all group members are busy.UCD is an exception to this rule. This option only works when MMC 210SGR INC BUSY is set to OFF. When MMC 210 SGR INC BUSY is set toON, all station groups will follow this setting.8 GROUP AUTOANSIf set ON, stations will automatically answer calls to the group (whenring type is DISTRIBUTED or SEQUENTIAL)9 ALLOUT NEXT This is the option to designate whether to transfer the call directly to theextension (group) designated in the NEXT PORT without waiting duringthe OVERFLOW time when all the members of the extension group arein logged out status. (OFF/ON)10 RBT MSG This is used when executing the coloring service for the extensiongroup.Enter the VMS message number which is to be used for coloring. Incase of the F-STN, this operates according to the extension coloringmessage of the receiving group member. (0~9998, F-STN, NONE)Calls to a groupCalls to a group do not follow the call forwarding instructions of any station in thegroup.