CHAPTER 2. MMC Programming2-432 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.[861] SYSTEM OPTIONSSets a number of system options.No Option Description0 AUTO UPDATE TIME Sets enable (1) or disable (0) the system automatically time anddate update from ISDN call connection message. If sets enable,when system receives ISDN call connection message, systemchecks valid data of encapsulated time and date, and updatesystem time and date device.1 SYSTEM SPPED BIN Sets max 500 (0) or max 950 (1) for the maximum number ofsystem speed dial bin.2 IDLE WHEN ENBLOC Decides the state of Large LCD Phone treated as idle or busywhen the user of Large LCD Phone is dialing in ENBLOCKmode.3 2 LINE ENBLOCK Decides the usage of ENBLOCK mode for 2 line LCD Phone withnavigation buttons.4 2 ZONE EXT PAGE Decides whether 2 Zone external paging is enabled or not.(This option may not be available in certain OfficeServ models.)5 USE LB FOR PAGE Decides whether LB port of MISC card is used as ROP port ornot. (This option may not be available in certain OfficeServmodels.)6 LP TRK TONE DISC When this option is set to ON, loop trunk can be disconnected bydetecting busy tone.7 SPNET OVERLAP Designate whether to operate as the OVERLAP Mode in case ofSPNET Dialing.8 SPNET CLI TABLE This is the option to display the designated CLI number insteadof the (NODE + extension number) in the CLIP table of theMMC323 when the network call is received in the KB net.9 E-LCR CLI TABLE This is the option to comply with the clip table in case of the E-LCR Call.10 EXTERNAL BGM/MOH Background music source can use internal source or externalsource. In case of external source, music source can besupported in MISC port. (This option may not be available incertain OfficeServ models.)11 LCP CABINET TYPE The OfficeServ 7200 can also use the OfficeServ 7100 as aexpansion cabinet. This option can be shown in the OfficeServ7200.0: OS7200 CABINET1: OS7100 CABINET12 MAX CHAIN FWDALL If ALL CALL FORWARD or BUSY FORWARD is set, it ispossible to designate how many hops can be supported.