CHAPTER 2. MMC Programming2-324 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.[805] TX LEVEL AND GAINAllows the system administrator to set the base level of TX volume on phones. There areeight levels that can be controlled by the Volume buttons on phones, and 10 controllablelevels in the system. This MMC allows the system administrator to classify any desiredeight levels within 11.No Option Description0 TX LEVEL CONTROL Adjusts the transmitting sensitivity (max.: 9) Default values are:INDEX: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7LEVEL: 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 71 MISC TSW GAIN Adjusts the level of the internal music source of the MCP card orthe external music source of the MIS card (0~7, higher numbersmean lower levels). Default value is 0.(This option may not be available in certain OfficeServ models.)2 TSW GAINCONTROLAdjusts the tone sensitivity. There are 11 types of matrixconnections of the T-Switch that adjust the tone sensitivity.If the gain value of each trunk channel is configured in MMC421,this option is ignored.3 CID TYPE/LEVEL Adjusts the CID type and TX/RX Gain- TYPE: CID TYPE control. (BELLCORE/ETSI)- RX LEVEL: TX gain control (0 – 20)- TX LEVEL: RX gain control (-6 – 0)- DOWNLOAD: download adjusted CID TYPE and TX/TX gain to SPWhen changing the MMC [805]‘MMC [805] TX LEVEL AND GAIN’ should not be changed from the default levelswithout the assistance of the local SAMSUNG distributor.DEFAULT DATASOME OPTIONS DEPEND ON COUNTRYACTION DISPLAY1) Press Transfer button and enter 805.Display shows:TX LEVEL CONTROLLEVEL 002) Press Volume button to make selection (0-3) andpress Right Soft button to move cursor.TX LEVEL CONTROLLEVEL 11