CHAPTER 2. MMC Programming2-62 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.(Continued)No Option Default Description39 SGR ALL OUT OFF When ON, the last remaining station group member can leavea group.40 CHAIN FWD ON If ON, an incoming call forwarded from a station to anotherstation may then be forwarded to the mailbox of the secondstation, if the latter is set for ‘forward to voice mail’. If thisoption is OFF, the call may only be forwarded to the mailbox ofthe first station.41 TRK MONITER OFF If ON, the system will monitor the trunk supervision signaling.That is, if a disconnection signal is received from theexchange, the call will be cleared and the extension will goback on hook.42 VOIP MFRALOC OFF If ON, this allocates a DTMF receiver for a VOIP tandem callerbreaking out on another trunk group.43 NTWKAUTOTMROFF If OFF, the call timer in the phone display will not function if thecall is from a network connection (Q-SIG).44 USE EURO OFF If ON, the unit of currency shown in call displays and onSMDR reports will be Euros (€). (This will also display on HotelApplication invoices.)45 NO STAFFCODOFF When ON, the steps verifying the staff code will be omitted inHotel operation.46 PERI UCD SIO OFF When ON, the PERI UCD data will be sent to the SMDR IO port.47 AUTOCLEANEDOFF Normally, when a room is checked-out, the room status ischanged to NEED CLEAN. When the option is set to ON, theroom status will be changed to AVAILABLE instead. (HotelApplication.)48 REDIAL REVW OFF When ON, the CALL LOG review will appear when the Redialor LNR button is pressed.50 ISDN KEYFAC OFF If ON, allows Keypad Facility messages to be sent to theexchange to invoke network features.52 CHK SPV TRK OFF When ON, if trunks don’t have the supervision feature theycannot make outgoing transfers or unsupervised conferences.53 PRE FWDBUSYOFF When ON, and a call arrives at a busy station that is not set forforward busy, if a preset no answer destination is available thecall is re-routed to that destination.54 ORG DIAL LOG OFF When ON, all dialed digits will be saved in the outgoing call logfor Large LCD phones. When OFF, invalid dialing such asdialing of a non-existent station number will not be saved inthe outgoing call log for Large LCD phones.55 TIE TRSF RCL ON When ON, and a trunk call transferred to the tie line is notanswered within the transfer recall time, the call is recalled tothe original transferring station. (This option may not beavailable in certain OfficeServ models.)