English90Starting / ending Media Player■ For Single Media PlayerStart1. Insert USB memory for Media Player.Note● Depending on the type of a USB memory device,it may come in contact with the periphery suchas a back cover, and cannot be attached. Use acommercially sold extension cable, or use a smalltype of a USB memory device connectable to thisunit.USB memoryUSB terminal2. Run a USB memory contents check.3. Change INPUT to [USB].EndingChange INPUT to other than [USB].■ For Multi Media PlayerStart1. Connect several units with LAN cables.(See “Example of setting up LAN connection and IPaddress / Subnet mask” in the previous section.)2. Insert USB memory for Media Player into eachDisplay.3. Executes USB memory contents check on eachDisplay.4. Change INPUT for Slave to [USB].5. Change INPUT for Master to [USB].EndingChange INPUT for Master to other than [USB].Resume Play functionAfter Media Player ends, the file to be resumed whenresuming playing varies depending on the setting of[USB media player settings] - [Resume play].When set to [On]:The file played prior to the end of Media Player startsplaying from the beginning.When set to [Off]:Play starts from the beginning of the first file of thescenario.Note● The resume play function is retained until the unit isturned off or the USB memory device is taken out.