English24Basic format for control dataThe transmission of control data from the computerstarts with a STX signal, followed by the command,the parameters, and lastly an ETX signal in that order.Add the parameter as required, in accordance with thecontrol detail.STX C1 C2 C3 P1 P2 P3 P4: P5 ETXStart(02h)3-character command(3 bytes)ColonParameter(s)End(03h)CommandCommand Parameter Control detailsPON None Power ONPOF None Power OFFAVL *** Volume 000 - 100AMT 0 Audio MUTE OFF1 Audio MUTE ONIMS None Input select (toggle)HM1 HDMI 1 input(HDMI1)HM2 HDMI 2 input(HDMI2)DV1 DVI-D IN input(DVI-D)PC1 PC IN input (PC)VD1 VIDEO input(VIDEO)YP1COMPONENT input(COMPONENT/RGB IN)UD1 USB input (USB)Note● If multiple commands are transmitted, be sure towait for the response for the first command to comefrom this unit before sending the next command.When sending a command which does not requireparameter, a colon (:) is not needed.● If an incorrect command is sent by mistake, thisunit will send an “ER401” command back to thecomputer.● In Standby condition (power OFF with remote controlor ), the unit responds to PONcommand only.● When [Serial ID function] (see page 49) is set to[On], only the command that matches the display IDcan be operated.As the format, add the following header.AD94;RAD=;For display ID, insert 001 to 100 or 000 for .For group ID, insert AAA (for A) to GGG (for G) for.● Consult your local Panasonic dealer for detailinstructions on command usage.For more details, visit the following web site.http://panasonic.net/prodisplays/
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