1 Camera Monitoring1.1 Accessing the CameraYou will need to know the following information to access the camera.• The camera’s IP address (e.g., or URL (e.g., ***.viewnetcam.com)• The port number of the camera, if it is not 80.• The user name and password required to access the camera, which were set during camera setup.1. Start your PC’s web browser.2. In the browser’s address bar, enter http:// followed by the IP address of the camera, then press[Enter] on the keyboard.Example:• If the camera’s port number is a port number other than 80, enter “:” and the port number after the IPaddress.Example:• If you have registered with a Dynamic DNS service, such as Viewnetcam.com (see Page 105), enterthe URL instead of the IP address. Note that accessing the camera this way may only work when youare accessing the camera from outside, i.e., from a PC that is not connected to the same network asthe camera.Example: http://***.viewnetcam.comIf the camera’s port number is a port number other than 80, enter “:” and the port number after theURL.Example: http://***.viewnetcam.com:50001• If the camera is configured to use HTTPS (see Page 119), enter https:// followed by the IP addressor host name and the port number of the camera.Example: https://***.viewnetcam.com:803. When the authentication dialog is displayed, enter the user name and password, then click [OK]. The toppage is displayed.Note• If the authentication dialog is not displayed, click the [Login] tab after the camera’s top page isdisplayed. For more information, see Page 158.• If a security warning is displayed when accessing the camera using HTTPS, see Page 119.• BL-C210A/BL-C230A only: If the camera is accessed while the camera is in registration mode,[Registering...] is displayed.8 Operating Instructions1.1 Accessing the Camera