2.8 Understanding How the Camera ManagesBuffered ImagesWhen images are buffered in the camera’s internal memoryThe camera’s internal memory is divided between the number of triggers that are configured. For example, if5 triggers are set, each trigger can use 1/5 of the camera’s internal memory, and if 3 triggers are set, eachtrigger can use 1/3 of the camera’s internal memory, etc. See Page 207 for information about the camera’sinternal memory capacity.For example, when buffering JPEG images at 320 ´ 240 resolution and standard quality:Number of triggers 1 2 3 4 5Maximum number of JPEG images that can be bufferedby each trigger (approximate) 1160 580 385 290 230When you change settings for a trigger, all images buffered in the internal memory for the selected trigger aredeleted. Additionally, images buffered for other triggers may also be deleted. When configuring a trigger tobuffer or transfer images, it is important to understand how the camera manages buffered images.All images for the selected trigger are deleted when:– You change the settings for a trigger (image buffer frequency, transfer method, transfer settings, etc.)– You click [Delete Buffered Images] on the trigger pageAll images for all triggers are deleted when:– You disable or enable a trigger (see Page 59)– You restart the camera (see Page 180)– You update the camera’s firmware (see Page 181 and Page 203)– You reset the camera to its default settings (see Page 184)– You change the date and time setting (see Page 140)– You restore settings from a configuration file (see Page 183)When selecting [No Transfer, Memory Overwrite] for buffering JPEG images using sensor,alarm, or detection triggersIf you want to configure the camera to buffer pre-trigger and post-trigger images, please note the followingrecommended settings when selecting [No Transfer, Memory Overwrite] for buffering JPEG images usingsensor, alarm, or detection triggers.When buffering JPEG images at 320 ´ 240 resolution and standard quality:Number of triggers 1 2 3 4 5Maximum number of JPEG images that can be bufferedby each trigger (approximate) (“A”) 1160 580 385 290 230Recommended maximum number of pre-triggerimages (“B”) 385 190 125 95 75Recommended maximum number of post-triggerimages (when the number of pre-trigger images shownabove is set) (“C”)390 200 135 100 80Approximate number of images buffered when usingthe above settings (“D”) 775 390 260 195 155Note• As a general guideline, the recommended maximum number of pre-trigger images is about 1/3 of themaximum number of images that can be buffered by the trigger.(“B” equals or is less than “A”´1/3, as shown above).Operating Instructions 792.8 Understanding How the Camera Manages Buffered Images