10.4 Accessing the Camera in IPv6 ModeYou will need to know the following information to access the camera in IPv6 mode.For Internet Explorer 6 users:• The URL assigned to you by the domain name service or Dynamic DNS service you registered the camerato (e.g., ***.viewnetcam.com).• The port number of the camera, if it is not 80.• The user name and password required to access the camera, which were set during camera setup.For Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 users:• The camera’s IPv6 address, or the URL assigned to you by the domain name service or Dynamic DNSservice you registered the camera to (e.g., ***.viewnetcam.com).• The port number of the camera, if it is not 80.• The user name and password required to access the camera, which were set during camera setup.Accessing the camera in IPv6 mode1. Start your PC’s web browser.2. In the browser’s address bar, enter http:// followed by the host name and port number (if it is not 80)of the camera, then press [Enter] on the keyboard.Example: http://***.viewnetcam.com• If using Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8, you can also access the camera by enteringhttp:// followed by the IPv6 address and port number (if it is not 80) of the camera. Note that theIPv6 address must be enclosed in brackets as shown below.Example: http://[****::***:****:****:***]:50000• If the camera is configured to use HTTPS (see Page 119), enter https:// followed by the host nameand port number of the camera.3. When the authentication dialog is displayed, enter the user name and password, then click [OK]. The toppage is displayed.Note• For general information on accessing the camera, see Page 8.Operating Instructions 19310.4 Accessing the Camera in IPv6 Mode