3-34 BOP HIPWR 0319124. From the Waveform Settings screen, highlight segment LEVEL 0.002s 0.00 I and press @to insert a new segment. Use ! to modify the following settings of the new segment. Foreach parameter, use $ to save the setting.Type LevelPeriod (Sec) 0.001Offset 1.5When all settings are complete, press $ to save for power-up. This step creates a 1.5Vlevel of 1ms prior to the 0V level. This segment is automatically set to Initial since the previ-ous segment is set to Initial. The first two segments form a positive 2ms, pulse, delayed 1msfrom the start of execution. The pulse can be used for synchronizing an external monitoringdevice.5. From the Waveform Settings screen, highlight segment NEG RANP 50.0HZ 4.00 R andpress @ to insert a new segment. Use ! to modify the following settings for the next seg-ment. For each parameter, use $ to save the setting.Type SineFrequency (Hz) 25P to P Amplitude 20Offset 0Start angle 0.0Stop angle 90.0Initial/Repeat InitialWhen all settings are complete, press $ to save for power-up. This step creates anotherinitial segment which is the first quadrant of a 20V p-p sine wave riding on a 0V offset. Itstarts at 0V and rises to 10V (1/2 of 20) over 10 ms (1/4 of 40ms period established by 25Hzfrequency). This segment simulates the initial charging of a capacitor.6. From the Waveform Settings screen, highlight End of Segments and press @ to insert thenext segment. Use ! to modify the following settings for the next segment. For eachparameter, use $ to save the settingType SineFrequency (Hz) 50Amplitude (p-p) 8Offset 6Start angle 0.0Stop angle 90.0When all settings are complete, press $ to save for power-up. This step create a repeating1/4 sine wave that starts at 6V and rises to 10V over 5 ms (1/4 of 20ms period establishedby 50Hz frequency). The waveform shown in Figure 3-11 has now been saved. Note that bycareful calculation of period and start/stop angle, accurate waveform simulations can beattained.7. Either execute the completed waveform by pressing STANDBY (to turn the output on), then$, or press % to return to the Saved Waveforms screen. COPYING A WAVEFORMAfter observing the precautions of PAR., press @ from the power-up screen to enterthe Saved Waveforms screen (Figure 3-9). Highlight one of the stored waveforms, then press