BOP HIPWR 031912 2-132.7.3 SETUP FOR REMOTE OPERATION VIA GPIBWith all power off, connect the load to the BOP using either local or remote sensing. If units areto be connected in series or parallel, refer to PAR. 2.8. Connect the GPIB connector to the GPIBport (see Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1). Turn power on and refer to PAR. 3.2 for power supplybasics and PAR. 3.5 for remote mode programming.The default GPIB address is 6; to change it refer to PAR The default configurationallows both local and remote operation; to prevent local operation once the unit is being con-trolled from the GPIB, see PAR. B.135. Refer to PAR. to configure the GPIB Port.SCPI programming is described in PAR. 3.6; Appendices A and B provide syntax for SCPI com-mon and subsystem commands and queries implemented in this unit. All the features describedfor Local Mode operation can be accomplished using remote SCPI commands.2.7.4 SETUP FOR REMOTE OPERATION VIA RS 232CWith all power off, connect the load to the BOP using either local or remote sensing (refer toPAR. 2.5). If units are to be connected in series or parallel, refer to PAR. 2.8. Connect the RS232 connector to the RS 232 port (see Figure 2-1 and Table 2-1). Turn power on and refer toPAR. 3.2 power supply basics and PAR. 3.5.6 for RS 232 operation. SCPI programming isdescribed in PAR. 3.6; Appendices A and B provide syntax for SCPI common and subsystemcommands and queries implemented in this unit. Refer to PAR. to configure the RS 232Port.2.8 MULTIPLE UNIT CONFIGURATIONSParallel, series and series-parallel configurations of identical BOP units increases the rated volt-age and current range of the power supply. Up to five units can be connected in parallel toincrease the current: I MAX (one unit) x N P = IMAX (parallel combination) where N P = number of units inparallel. Similarly, up to three units can be connected in series to increase the voltage: E MAX (oneunit) x N S = E MAX (parallel combination) where N S = number of units in series. In addition, identicalunits may be connected in both series and parallel. The 2 X 2 configuration, two parallelbranches of two series-connected power supplies, doubles the output voltage and doubles theoutput current of a single unit. The 3 X 2 configuration, two parallel branches of three series-connected power supplies, triples the output voltage and doubles the output current of a singleunit. Multiple unit configurations require the appropriate Interconnection Kit (see Table 1-5).For all multiple unit configurations the master reports the system output parameters: voltageand current; the slaves report the main channel parameter: voltage for voltage mode (seriesconfigurations) or current for current mode (parallel configurations).Additional hex nuts are provided in the interconnection kit for sufficient cable separation so theycan be oriented as needed to fit onto the terminal.NOTE: Multiple unit configurations require that all individual units be properly calibrated. (Unitsshipped from Kepco have been factory-calibrated.) If not, refer to Section 4 to calibratethe individual units prior to connecting them in parallel or series. Using calibrated unitsensures that the multiple unit configuration is calibrated; calibrating the multiple unitconfiguration is neither needed nor possible.Before powering up the units to be configured, first connect the units in parallel or series. Fig-ures 2-4 (local sensing) and 2-5 (remote sensing) show the connections for three parallel-con-nected units; Figures 2-6 (local sensing) and 2-7 (remote sensing) show the connections for