BOP-1K 031912 B-25This command must be preceded by LIST:CURR or LIST:VOLT command, otherwise a -221 “SettingsConflict” error results. The entries of the dwell list must match the values in the current or voltage list,otherwise a -236 “Lists Unbalanced” error results. (See Figures B-6 and B-7.)B.86 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] COMMAND VOLTSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP] Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude] = digits with decimal point and Exponent, e.g., 2.71E1 for 27.1Description: Sets programmed voltage level at power supply output. This command programs output voltageto a specific value; actual output voltage will depend on load conditions. If the value exceeds the max-imum for the model being programmed, error message -222,”Data out of range” is posted in outputqueue. (See example, Figure B-1.)B.87 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? QUERY VOLT?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV][:IMM][:AMP]? {MIN | MAX}Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPlitude]? {MIN | MAX}Description: Identifies programmed voltage, maximum allowable voltage, or minimum voltage. The VOLT?query returns the programmed value of voltage. Actual output voltage will depend on load conditions.The VOLT?MAX query returns the maximum voltage allowed for a particular model. VOLT? MINreturns minimum voltage allowed for power supply (always negative). Related Commands: VOLT.(See example, Figure B-1.)B.88 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH] COMMAND VOLT:LIM[:BOTH]Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV]:LIM[:BOTH] Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH] where is between zero and rated (nominal) output voltageDescription: Establishes the software limit for output voltage, i.e., sets the maximum value of positive ornegative output voltage that the unit will be allowed to produce. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) tosave for power up. See PAR. and Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations.B.89 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit[:BOTH]? QUERY VOLT:LIM[:BOTH]?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV]:LIM[:BOTH]?Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:[:BOTH]?Returns Description: Identifies the software limit value for both positive and negative output voltage specified by the user.B.90 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative COMMAND VOLT:LIM:NEGSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV]:LIM:NEG Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative where is between zero and rated (nominal) output voltageDescription: Establishes the software limit for negative output voltage, i.e., sets the maximum value ofnegative output voltage that the unit will be allowed to produce. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) tosave for power up. See PAR. and Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations.B.91 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative? QUERY VOLT:LIM:NEG?Syntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV]:LIM:NEG? Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:NEGative? Description: Identifies the software limit value for negative output voltage specified by the user.B.92 [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:POSitive COMMAND VOLT:LIM:POSSyntax: Short Form: [SOUR:]VOLT[:LEV]:LIM:POS Long Form: [SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel]:LIMit:POSitive where is between zero and rated (nominal) output voltageDescription: Establishes the software limit for positive output voltage, i.e., sets the maximum value of pos-itive output voltage that the unit will be allowed to produce. Requires MEM:UPD (PAR. B.12) to savefor power up. See PAR. and Figure 3-16 for special programming considerations.