BOP-1K 031912 4-9output until the DVM reads as close as possible above the nominal full scale value within tol-erance specified in Table 4-4 for +FULL SCALE CPR LIMIT.24.Send CAL:CPR MIN to adjust the minimum (maximum negative) current protection limit ofthe power supply. To adjust, send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3c) toadjust the BOP output until the DVM reads as close as possible above (absolute value) thenominal full scale value within tolerance specified in Table 4-4 for –FULL SCALE CPR LIMIT.25.Send CAL:ZERO to set the BOP output to zero. Connect 0V ±0.1mV d-c reference voltage toexternal reference pin 11 referenced to pin 10 (SGND) of the BOP analog I/O port (A2A5J6).Set the BOP to zero volts across the sense resistor (corresponding to zero current) by send-ing CAL:CEXT ZERO. Send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3a) until thereading is as close to zero as possible within the limits specified in Table 4-4 for CURRENTZERO.26.Replace the 0V d-c reference applied to analog I/O port A2A5J6 pin 11 with a +10V ±0.1mVd-c reference voltage. Set the BOP to maximum positive output current by sendingCAL:CEXT MAX. Measure the current by reading the voltage across the sense resistor. Toadjust, send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) to adjust the BOP outputuntil the DVM reads as close as possible above the nominal full scale value within tolerancespecified in Table 4-4 for +FULL SCALE CURRENT.27.Replace the +10V d-c reference applied to analog I/O port A2A5J6 pin 11 with a 0V ±0.1mVd-c reference voltage. Set the BOP to zero volts across the sense resistor (corresponding tozero current) by sending CAL:CGA ZERO. Send CAL:DATA commands as needed (seePAR. 4.3a) until the reading is as close to zero as possible within the limits specified in Table4-4 for CURRENT ZERO.28.Replace the 0V d-c reference applied to analog I/O port A2A5J6 pin 11 with a +10V ±0.1mVd-c reference voltage. Set the BOP to maximum positive output current by sending CAL:CGAMAX. Measure the current by reading the voltage across the sense resistor. To adjust, sendCAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3a) to adjust the BOP output until the DVMreads as close as close to zero as possible within the limits specified in Table 4-4 for CUR-RENT ZERO.29.Send CAL:ZERO to prepare for calibration of IOUT_M_UNIT (master output) control signal.Connect the DVM to pin 6 (IOUT_M_UNIT) referenced to pin 1 (SGND) of the PAR/SERCONTROL IN connector (A2A5J3). Set the BOP to zero output current by sendingCAL:IOUT ZERO. Send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) to adjust theBOP output until the DVM reads 0V ±1mV.30.Set the BOP to maximum positive output current by sending CAL:IOUT MAX. With the DVMstill connected to pin 6 (IOUT_M_UNIT) referenced to pin 1 (SGND) of the PAR/SER CON-TROL IN connector measure the voltage output using the DVM. Send CAL:DATA commandsas needed (see PAR. 4.3b) until the DVM reading is +10V ±1.0mV.31.Send CAL:ZERO to prepare for calibration of S_IN_PARALLEL (slave input) control signal.Connect a 0V ±0.1mV d-c reference to pin 3 (S_IN_PARALLEL) referenced to pin 1 (SGND)of the PAR/SER CONTROL IN connector (A2A5J3). Set the BOP to zero output current bysending CAL:PAR ZERO. Connect the DVM across the sense resistor to measure the BOPoutput current and send CAL:DATA commands as needed (see PAR. 4.3b) to adjust theBOP output current until the DVM reads as close to zero as possible within tolerance speci-fied in Table 4-4 for CURRENT ZERO.