Using a Memory Card392 Open the initialization screen for the desired memory card.[FUNC.] > [MENU] > > [Initialize ] > [6 Mem. Card A] or [7 Mem. Card B] >[Initialize]• Touching [FUNC.] is necessary only when performing the procedure in mode.• In the initialization screen, touch [Complete Initialization] to physically erase all the data rather thanjust clear the file allocation table of the memory card.3 Touch [Yes].• If you selected the [Complete Initialization] option, you can touch [Cancel] to cancel theinitialization while it is in progress. All recordings will be erased and the memory card can be usedwithout any problem.4 Touch [OK] and then touch [X].IMPORTANT• Initializing a memory card will permanently erase all recordings. Lost original recordings cannot berecovered. Make sure you save important recordings in advance using an external device (A 114).Selecting the Movie Format (AVCHD/MP4)You can choose to record movies in AVCHD or MP4 format. AVCHD movies are ideal for playback withfantastic picture quality. MP4 movies are versatile and can easily be played back on smartphones andtablets or uploaded to the Web.1 Open the [Movie Format] screen.[FUNC.] > [MENU] > > [Movie Format]2 Select the desired movie format.3 Touch [X].Selecting the Memory Card for RecordingsMovies and photos are recorded on a memory card. You can select on which memory card yourmovies and photos will be recorded.1 Open the [Recording Media] screen.[FUNC.] > [MENU] > > [Recording Media]2 Touch the desired memory card ([6 Mem. Card A] or [7 Mem. Card B]) for recordingmovies ([v Rec Media for Movies]) or for taking photos ([{ Rec Media for Photos]).3 Touch [X].• After closing the menu, the icon of the memory card selected for recording movies will appear onthe screen.Operating modes:Operating modes:COPY