Chapter 22-28F-2-20c. ArchingThe one-way clutch rotates idly as long as the pickup motor (M2) rotates in reverse, keepingthe registration roller at rest; the original is now butted against the registration roller so thatit will arch and is made free of moving askew.F-2-21d. FeedingThe pickup motor (M2) and the feed motor (M1) rotate in normal direction to cause theregistration roller and the read roller to move the original to the read standby point. At thistime, the pickup clutch is kept off to cut the drive from the pickup motor so that the pickuproller will not move up. When the original reaches the read standby point, the pickup motor(M2) and the feed motor (M1) stop to rotate.Pickup rollerunitOriginalStopperOne-wayclutch One-wayclutchOne-wayclutch One-wayclutchPickup rolleunitOriginSeparation pad Separation plateM2M2Registration roller Arching 1