Chapter 22-17T-2-42.3.2 Detecting the Presence/Absence of an Original 0006-2254The machine uses the original placement sensor (PI9) to check the presence/absence of anoriginal in the original tray.When an original is placed in the original tray, the detecting lever operates in conjunctionwith the light-blocking plate, permitting the light to the photointerrupter to pass andconsequently causing the original placement sensor (PI9) to generate the original detectionsignal (EMPS). In response, the ADF controller PCB turns on the Original Placementindicator.Item Description Sensor (notation)original detection checks the presence/absence ofan original in the originalpickup tray.original payment sensor (PI9)Last original detection checks to see if the originalbeing moved is the last originalof the stack.last original sensor (I8)Original lengthdetectionchecks the feed length inrelation to the time betweenwhen the read sensor (PI3) goeson and when it goes off; also, ituses the size of the original toidentify the original as beingA5R or sensor (PI3)original width volume (VR1)