Chapter 22-242.3.7Original Size Final Identification0006-2261The machine performs original size final identification with reference to the length of theoriginal (conversion result based on the feed motor drive used to move the original past theread sensor (PI3)) and the result of original size initial identification.When an original moves past the original detecting lever of the read sensor (PI3), thedetecting lever operates in conjunction with the light-blocking plate to permit the light tothe photointerrupter to pass. The machine refers to the clock pulses from the main motor(M1) from when the read sensor (PI3) goes on to when it goes off to find out the feed length,which will cause the read sensor (PI3) to generate the last original detection signal (ENDS)for transmission to the ADF controller PCB.F-2-18The following shows the default sizes that are identified by the machine based on the resultsof its size identification mechanisms:ADF controller PCBOriginalDetecting leverPI3READS