Chapter 22-62.2.2 Outline of the Operation Mode 0006-2248The machine operates in either of 4 modes, executing each in response to the instructionsfrom its host machine to generate output. For specifics of each of these modes, see the tableand the charts that follow.T-2-22.2.3 Normal Rotation Pickup/Delivery (single-sidedoriginal -> single-sided print) 0006-2249The original moves as follows:MEMOOperation mode Description Print mode[1]Normal rotation pickup/deliverypicks up an original; when reading ends,delivers it as it is.single-sided original ->single-sided printsingle-sided original ->double-sided print[2]Normal pickup/reversaldeliverypicks up an original; when reading ends,turns it over and delivers it.double-sided original ->double-sided printdouble-sided original ->single-sided print[3]Idle feed/reversalpickup/reversal deliveryfeeds the original idly to check its size,feeds the original once again so thatreading will start with the face side, picksup the original; when reading ends, turnsit over and delivers it.double-sided originalsof mixed sizes ->double-sided printsdouble-sided originalsof mixed sizes -> single-sided prints[4]Idle feed/reversalpickup/deliveryfeeds the original idly to check the size,and reverses it; when reading ends,delivers it as it is.single-sided originals ofmixed sizes -> single-sided printssingle-sided originals ofmixed sizes -> double-sided prints