Chapter 44-20for the horizontal registration; asnecessary, make the followingadjustments:- if the image is displaced to the front,decrease the setting.- if the image is displaced to the rear,increase the setting.unit of adjustment: 0.1 mm3) On the Service Mode screen, touch thefollowing notations to bring up theAdjustment screen:1 COPIER2 ADJUST3 ADJ-XY4 ADJ-Y-DF4.3.1.8 Adjusting theTrailing EdgeRegistration 0006-23551) Place the Test Chart in the DADF, andmake a copy.2) Compare the copy against the Test Chartfor the trailing edge registration; asnecessary, make the followingadjustments:- if the image is displaced to the leadingedge, decrease the setting.- if the image is displaced to the trailingedge, increase the setting.unit of adjustment: 0.1 mm3) On the Service Mode screen, touch thefollowing notations to bring up theAdjustment screen:1 FEEDER2 ADJUST3 DOCST4.3.1.9 Adjusting theWhite Level 0006-2356MEMOThis is a new item of adjustment in whichthe white level of images made in streamreading mode are matched with the whitelevel of images made in copyboard covermode. If you omit this adjustment, thefollowing will likely occur:- inappropriate reproduction ofbackground density in images made instream reading mode- wrong speck detection in stream readingmode1) Place paper (of the type most often usedby the user) on the copyboard glass, andclose the DADF.2) Touch the following notations insequence to bring up the Adjustmentscreen:1 COPIER2 FUNCTION3 CCD3) Press [DF-WLVL1] to highlight.4) Press [OK].Automatic adjustment starts; if it endssuccessfully, the screen shows [OK!].5) Remove the paper from the copyboardglass, and place it on the original tray ofthe DADF.