1.5 Examples of Servo System Configurations1-151 Outline1.5 Examples of Servo System ConfigurationsThis section describes examples of basic servo system configuration.1.5.1 Connecting to SGDV-F01A SERVOPACK∗1. Use a 24 VDC power supply. (not included)∗2. Before connecting an external regenerative resistor to the SERVOPACK, refer to 3.6 Connecting Regenerative Resis-tors.SGDV-F01ASERVOPACKSGMJV/SGMAV/SGMPSServomotorPower supplySingle-phase 100 VACR T100 VACSGDV-2R1F01ASGDV-2R1F01A100100VNoise filterMolded-casecircuit breaker(MCCB)Protects the power supplyline by shutting thecircuit OFF whenovercurrent isdetected.Used to eliminateexternal noise fromthe power line.MagneticcontactorTurns the servoON and OFF.Install a surgeabsorber.Brake power supply*1Magnetic contactorRegenerativeresistor*2Used for a servomotorwith a brake.Turns the brake power supplyON and OFF.Install a surge absorber.Motor maincircuit cableEncoder cableBattery case(when an absoluteencoder is used.)When not using the safetyfunction, use the SERVOPACKwith the safety function jumperconnector (JZSP-CVH05-E,provided as an accessory)inserted.When using the safety function,insert a connection cablespecifically for the safety function.Safety functiondevicesI/O signal cableConnection cablefor digital operatorConnection cablefor personal computerDigitaloperatorPersonalcomputerHost controller