5 Operation5.9.7 Multiturn Limit Setting5-745.9.7 Multiturn Limit SettingThe multiturn limit setting is used in position control applications for a turntable or other rotating device. Forexample, consider a machine that moves the turntable in the following diagram in only one direction.Because the turntable moves in only one direction, the upper limit for revolutions that can be counted by anabsolute encoder will eventually be exceeded. The multiturn limit setting is used in cases like this to preventfractions from being produced by the integral ratio of the motor revolutions and turntable revolutions.For a machine with a gear ratio of m:n, as shown above, the lowest common multiple (LCM) of m:n minus 1will be the setting for the multiturn limit setting (Pn205).Multiturn limit setting (Pn205) = LCM-1The case in which the relationship between the turntable revolutions and motor revolutions is m = 3 and n =100 is shown in the following graph.The lowest common multiple of m and n is 300.Pn205 = 300 - 1 = 299Note: This parameter is valid when the absolute encoder is used.The range of the data will vary when this parameter is set to anything other than the factory setting.1. When the motor rotates in the reverse direction with the rotational data at 0, the rotational data will changeto the setting of Pn205.2. When the motor rotates in the forward direction with the rotational data at the Pn205 setting, the rotationaldata will change to 0.Pn205Multiturn Limit Setting ClassificationSetting Range Setting Unit Factory Setting When Enabled0 to 65535 1 Rev 65535 After restart SetupTurntableGearMotor0Turntablerevolutions(rotational data)12345Motor revolutions300 600 900 1200 1500Speed Position Torque