7.22 Online Vibration Monitor (Fn207)7-357 Utility Functions (Fn)7.22 Online Vibration Monitor (Fn207)The machine vibration can sometimes be suppressed by setting a notch filter or torque reference filter for thevibration frequencies.When online, vibration frequencies caused by machine resonance will be detected and the frequency that hasthe highest peak will be displayed on the Panel Operator. The effective torque reference filter or notch filterfrequency for the vibration frequency will be automatically selected and the related parameters will be auto-matically set.In addition to this function, EasyFFT (Fn206) can be used to detect machine vibration and automatically makenotch filter settings. Use the following flowchart to determine which function should be used.StartWhen using mainly for servo gain adjustment, etc.EndVibration withhigh-frequency noiseduring operationTurn OFF the servo, andexecute EasyFFT (Fn206)NoNoYesYesAdjsut servo gainVibrationWith the servo ON, executeOnline Vibration Monitor(Fn207)