11 Setups186 Xerox Phaser 3635 User GuideCRU Replacement DefaultsCustomer Replaceable Units (CRUs) are modules within the workings of themachine that you can replace when needed. The machine monitors the numberof copies made for service information purposes. This information helps maintainthe machine’s productivity and image quality.When a module is nearing the end of its life, a message displays advising you toorder a new module.When a module reaches the end of its life, a message displays advising you toreplace the module.To easily identify the Customer Replaceable Units the latches are colored orange.Print Cartridge Reorder NotificationToner usage depends on the type and the number of images printed. The machinecalculates how long the toner will last according to your usage of the machine anddisplays the information on the Machine Status - Service Information screen. Italso uses this information to tell you when to order a new Print Cartridge and whento install it. This facility allows you to control how the toner usage monitoringsystem works.Select the Supplies tab and select the Print Cartridge Reorder Notificationbutton.With the Print Cartridge Status Enabled, the machine will analyze the toner usageto predict the percentage of toner remaining and display the information on theMachine Status - Service Information screen. When the percentage of tonerremaining equals the number set in the window on this screen, a message will bedisplayed telling you to order a new Print Cartridge. You can set the percentagelevel the message displays using the scroll buttons.When the Print Cartridge Reorder Notification threshold is reached a message willbe displayed. Once you have a new Print Cartridge you can turn the message offby selecting the Cancel Current Re-order Message(s) button. The machine willdisplay a message when it is time to install the new Print Cartridge.When the Print Cartridge Status is Disabled, the machine will not predict the tonerusage and you will not receive a re-order reminder. The Machine Status - ServiceInformation screen will say that the toner monitoring function is disabled. Whenthe machine has run out of toner you will be told to replace the Print Cartridge.If you replace the Print Cartridge when instructed to do so by the message on thedisplay, the machine will assume that you have installed a new Print Cartridge andreset the toner usage counters. However, if you choose to install a new PrintCartridge before the message is displayed you will have to reset the toner usagecounters manually by selecting the Confirm New Print Cartridge Has BeenInstalled button.