5 Network Scanning102 Xerox Phaser 3635 User GuideFiling OptionsUse this feature to manage the file destinations, formats and metadata.File NameUse this option to change the File Name from the template default. Type your filename using the soft touch screen keypad, then select the Save button.Use the following options to configure the policy if the file name already exists:Option DescriptionRename New File Use this option when you want the machine toname the new file (or folder) with a unique name.Append to Existing FileUse this option to add the newly created scannedimage file to an existing document with the samename as the document being scanned.This option is not available with Multi-Page Tiff andPDF file format options.Overwrite Existing fileUse this option to replace the existing file that hasthe same filename as the newly created scannedimage file.Do Not SaveUse this option to cancel the scanning operation ifa file with the same name as the newly createdscanned image file is detected.Add Date to NameUse this option when you want the machine toname the new file (or folder) with a unique name,along with the current date and time.