independentrating systemfor broadcastersMature Audience Only (This programis specifically designed to be viewedby adults and may be unsuitable forTV-IVlA children under 17.)L) Crude or indecent languageS) Explicit sexual activityV) Graphic violenceTV-14Parents Strongly Cautioned (Thisprogram contains some material thatmany parents would find unsuitable forchildren under 14.)D) Intensely suggestive dialogL) Strong, coarse languageS) Intense sexual situationsV) Intense violenceTV-PGParental Guidance Suggested (Thisprogram contains material that parentsmay find unsuitable for younger children.)D) Some suggestive dialogL) Infrequent coarse languageS) Some sexual situationsV) Moderate violenceTV-G General Audience (Most parents wouldfind this program suitable for all ages.)TV-Y7,TV-Y7FVDirected to Older Children (Thisprogram is designed for children age7 and above. Note: Programs in whichfantasy violence may be more intense ormore combative than other programs inthis category are designated TV-Y7FV.)All Children (This program is designedTV-Y to be appropriate for all children.)independentrating system for moviesX X-rated (For adults only)NC-17 Not intended for anyone 17 and underR Restricted (Under 17 requiresaccompanying parent or adult)PG-13 Parents Strongly Cautioned (Some materialmay be inappropriate fer children under 13)Parental Guidance Suggested (SomePG material may not be suitabb for children)G General Audience (Appropriate for all ages)Note:o/fyou place an "X" in the box next to"None" Rated programs rated "None "will be blocked; however, programs that donot provide any rating information will not beblocked.o To display the rating of the program you areOlSPLAywatching, press "0 on the remote control. Ifit is rated "None "the word "NONE "appearsin the INFO screen (as shown below right). Ifrating information is not provided, no ratingwill appear in the INFO screen.Blocking TV programsby Canada rating:1 Press s_, and highlight the Locksmenu icon.2 Press V to display the PIN code entering screen.3 Enter your four-digit PIN code and press So@.4' Press V to highlight Enable RatingBI0cking.5 Press _ to select On.6 Press Y to highlight Edit Rating Limitsand press@. The Edit Rating Limitsscreen appears.7 Highlight CanadaRSand press @. TheCanadianRagingMenu will appear.8 Press AV'_ _ and then press @ to select thelevel of blocking you prefer. A box with an "X"is a rating that will be blocked.9 When you have finished selecting the ratings youwant to block, highlight [}one and press @.10in the EditRating Limitsscreen, highlight [}oneand press @.EnglishE Exempt showsC Children ages of 2 to 7 yearsC8+ Children 8 years and olderG General programmingPG Parental Guidance14+ Viewers 14 and older18+ Adult programmingFrenchE Exempt showsG General programming8 arts+ Not recommended for ages under 813 arts+ Not recommended for ages under 1316 arts+ Not recommended for ages under 1618 ans+ Programming restricted to adults(contin u('d)43