To block and unblock TV programs andmovies:1 Press s_)P and highlight the Locks menu icon.2 Press V to display the PIN code entering screen.3 Enter your four-digit PIN code and press @.4 Press V to highlight EnableRating Blocking.5 Press _ to select On.6 Press Y to highlight Edit Rating Limits and press@. The Edit RatingLimitsscreen appears.7 Press AV4 I_ and then press @ to select thelevel of blocking yon prefer. A box with an "X"is a rating that will be blocked. As yon highlighta rating, a definition for the rating appears at thebottom of the screen.8 When done selecting the ratings you want toblock, highlight [}one and press ___.Note: Above selection of blocking level is forU.S V-Chip system. For Canada rating, you canhighlight the "Canada RS" then press _ , another"Canadian Rating Menu" screen will appearDownloadingan addRlonalratingsystemfor blockingTV programsandmoviesin the future, an additional rating system may becomeavailable for use in selectively blocking programs.Note: The currently tuned station must bereceiving a digital signal before an additionalrating system can be downloaded.To download the additional rating system(if available):1 Press s_P and highlight the Locksmenu icon.Press V to display the PIN code entering screen.Enter your four-digit PIN code and press @.4 Press V to highlight EnableRating Blocking.5 Dess _ to select On.6 Press Y to highlight EditRating Limitsand press@. The Edit Rating Limits screen appears.7 Highlight AJt R$ and press @. The EditAlternateRatingsscreen will appear.Note:° The AIt RS button will only be availableif an additional rating system is currentlyavailable.. It may take several minutes for the TV todownload the additional rating system.o The information displayed in the AlternateRatings screen wifl depend on theconfiguration of the additional ratingsystem available at the time of download.Press lkV"9 _ and then press @ to select thelevel of blocking yon prefer. A box with an "X"is a rating that will be blocked.When yon have finished selecting the ratings yonwant to block, highlight [}one and press @.10in the Edit Rating Limits screen, highlight [}oneand press __._.No te:° The additional rating system can only bedownloaded one time. You will not be able todownload any updates to the rating systemshould such updates become available.. The additional rating system is not designed,transmitted or controlled by the TV or Toshiba,nor is the availability of an additional ratingsystem determined or controlled by Toshiba.Similarly, the rating of programs in anadditional rating system is not determined,transmitted or controlled by the TV or Toshiba.. The additional rating system is an evolvingtechnology; therefore, availability, content andformat may vary,(comin ued)42