To select the picture size using the menus:1 Select Picture Size in the Theater Settings menu.2 Press 4 or II_to select the desired picture size setting.3 Highlight [}one and press @.Note: Some of the picture sizes may not beavailable depending on the receiving signalformat (those will be "grayed out" in the PictureSize screen).Using these functions to change the picturesize (i.e., changing the height/width ratio) forany purpose other than your private viewingmay be prohibited under the Copyright Lawsof the United States and other countries, andmay subject you to civil and criminal liability.Note: if you select one of the TheaterWide ®picture sizes, the top and bottom edges of thepicture (including subtitles or captions) may behidden. To view the hidden edges, either scrollthe picture (TheaterWide 2 and 3 only) or tryviewing the program in Full or 4:3 picture size.Full(for 16:9 [480i, 48gp] source programs only}00< 0 0 0[f receiving a squeezed4-:3format program, thepicture is stretched wider to fill the width of thescreen but not stretched taller.(for 1080i, 1080p, and 720p program sources}000 000The edges surrounding the picture may be hidden.TheaterWide 1(for 4:3 formatprograms}lcoci loo ioooThe center of the picture remains close to its originalproportion, but the left and right edges are stretchedwider to fill the screen.TheaterWide 2(for letter boxprograms)o o I0 00j0 0The top and bottom edges of the picture may behidden*.TheaterWide 3(for letter box programs with subtitles}The top and bottom edges are hidden*.Native(for 480i (HDMI), 480p (HDNI), 720p, 1080i,and 1080psignal programs}< 000* If receiving a 480i (HDM[), 480p (HDM[), 720p,1080i, or 1080p signal program, Native modescales the video to display the entire picture withinthe borders of the screen (i.e. no overscanning).* This is especially useful for external HD sourcessuch as DVHS movies, or PC graphics.No te:This mode is supported only for HDMI(1080p, 1080L 720p, 480p, and 480i), ColorStream(1080i and 720p), and ANT/CABLE (digital)inputs (1080p, 1080Land 720p).o Depending on the input signals, the border ofthe picture may be hidden, displayed in black,or nois_(continued)35