DCS MMC PROGRAMSCOMBINED PROGRAMMING MANUAL NOVEMBER 2001MMC 116 (Page 1 of 2)MMC: 116 ALARM AND MESSAGEDCS 33 CI 33 CII 33 816 33 408i 33 408 33Allows the system administrator or technician to set or change the alarm clock/appointment re-minder feature for individual or all stations. For DCS systems, three alarms (1–3) can be setfor each station. For other systems, two alarms (1–2) can be set. Each alarm may be definedas a one-time or TODAY alarm, as a DAILY alarm, or NOTSET as described below. The TODAYalarm is automatically cancelled after it rings, while the DAILY alarm rings every day at the sametime. It is also possible to set a message to display when the alarm is sounded.Dial Alarm Type0 NOTSET1 TODAY2 DAILYMessages are written using the keypad. Each key press selects a character and moves the cur-sor to the next position. For example, if the message is “MEETING”, press the number “6” onceto get the letter “M”. Now press the number “3” twice to get the letter “E” Continue selectingcharacters from the keypad to complete your message. Press the programmable “A” key to tog-gle between upper and lower case text.Tip: When the character you want is on the same key as the previous character you typed in, press the UPkey to move the cursor to the right, then select the character.The # key can be used for the following special characters (in sequence of key presses):# s p a c e & ! : ? . , % $ - < > / =[ ] @ ^ ( ) _ + { } | ; " → `PROGRAM KEYSUP & DOWN Used to scroll through optionsKEYPAD Used to enter selectionsSOFT KEYS Move cursor left and rightSPEAKER Used to store data and advance to next MMCHOLD Used to clear previous entry“A” Key #19 (24B keysets) or key #7 (12B keysets) or key #1 (6B key-sets) toggles upper case and lower case text.